Nunawading Market.
Make It. Bake It. Grow It.

Nunawading Market
Supporting local makers since 1985, the Nunawading Market has a vast range of handmade goods from unique art and crafts to fresh produce and delicious gourmet food.
The Nunawading Market is managed by Arts Nunawading Inc. Proceeds raised through the market support local cultural, performing and visual art groups throughout the community of the City of Whitehorse.
Become a stall-holder
To become a stall-holder Apply online!
Existing stall-holders
Renew your stall online!

Arts Nunawading
Arts Nunawading Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. Established in 1964 by local art groups, it has many members today with a wide range of artistic endeavours.
Arts Nunawading Inc's objective is to aid in the understanding, dissemination, participation and promotion of the Arts throughout the City of Whitehorse.